Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Prostate Cancer Options And Hormone Treatment

Depending on how advanced prostate cancer is, there are varying options for treatment. If caught early, prostate cancer can often be treated successfully, but once it has spread to the surrounding bone it is often impossible to cure. In that situation treatments focus on reducing symptoms and prolonging life. Prostate cancer is a slowly developing cancer, and can take up to 15 years to spread from the prostate gland to surrounding bone. Because of this, many men die of other causes without ever knowing they have the cancer. There are many different treatment options, and if diagnosed with prostate cancer you will receive advice from specialists. The final decision for your treatment will always be your own though. Option 1 - Watchful Waiting: If the cancer is diagnosed very early when it is causing no symptoms, it may be possible to wait to see whether any symptoms do develop. Because of the slow growth of prostate cancer, this is often advised for older men. Option 2 - Active Waiting: This is similar to option 1 but is recommended for younger men. The cancer will be monitored for signs that it is spreading outside of the prostate.

If it is, then treatment will be required. If it doesn't, it may not be necessary to undergo treatment at all. Option 3 - Treatment: If the cancer does require treatment there are many more options, including "Radical prostatectomy" which is where the prostate is removed, radiotherapy where cancer cells are killed by radiation, hormone therapy and chemotherapy. All have their own side effects, and you will always be given the choice as to whether you want to receive a certain treatment or not. Like I`ve said about there are many different possible treatments for prostate cancer, and hormone treatment is one of them. It is often used together with another treatment such as before radiotherapy or after other treatments. This helps increase the chances of success of the other treatments. In some cases however it is used on its own as it can slow the growth of the prostate cancer, while also reducing the symptoms. How hormone treatment works? Prostate cancer uses testosterone (a hormone) to grow, so by reducing the amount of testosterone or blocking its effects in the body the cancer may cease or slow down.

Usually, testosterone doesn't cause any problems, but if there are cancer cells in the prostate they will stop growing or shrink when they no longer have access to it. Possible side effects of prostate cancer hormone treatment: sweating, tiredness, weight gain, loss of sexual desire. This is because of the lack blocking of testosterone, but usually passes once the hormone treatment finishes. Other side effect is mood changes - Some men become depressed while on hormone therapy, and find themselves more emotional than usual. This can put an added strain on not only the man, but on those around them. Alternatives Hormone treatment is often used in conjunction with other therapies, and your specialist will be able to advise you on the best course of action. Other treatments can include "Radical prostatectomy" which removes the prostate gland, and radiotherapy which attempts to kill the cancer cells using radiation. Each have their own set of possible side effects.

Prostate Cancer End Stage And Survival Rates

If prostate cancer is caught before reaching the end stage, then it is often treated very successfully. Treatment has been getting higher and higher success rates within the last twenty years, although it is still not known what causes the cancer and how to prevent it. However, if the cancer spreads from the prostate gland to the bone then it becomes extremely difficult and often impossible to cure. In this situation treatments are aimed at prolonging life and relieving symptoms rather than curing. When a cancer reaches its end stage the patient may start to show signs such as weight loss, tiredness and pains in different places.

In the case of this type of cancer, this is especially true in the lower back and hips. Prostate cancer is the second most likely cause of death to a man in cancer related deaths. If left untreated and provided the man does not die of other reasons, it will cause death. As it is a slow developing cancer, in many cases the man may die of other causes before being killed by the cancer. This is especially true as prostate cancer is much more likely to occur amongst older men, and can take 15 years or more to full develop. If the cancer has reached an un-curable stage, then treatments can be effective at reducing pain and prolonging life, although as has been said once the cancer spreads to the bone it is usually untreatable.

The Survival Rates Prostate cancer, while not receiving as much exposure as other cancers, is the most common of all amongst men in the US and UK. According to the NHS, around 111 men out of 100000 will get prostate cancer at some point during their lives. As this type of cancer is a slow developing cancer and is most common amongst older men, many die of other causes without being affected by it. However it is the second most common cause of cancer death in the UK. Around 10000 men die from it each year in the UK. In the past, because of the difficulty in treatment the survival rate for prostate cancer was quite low.

However for the last twenty years the survival rate has been improving and was around 86 percent in 2009. Compared to 31 percent in 1975, this is a vast improvement. Age plays the biggest factor in this type of cancer, with older men much more likely to suffer from it. Above 65 the chances of getting increase greatly, and above 85 even more. You can find out more about treatment options at our health-and-beauty-base.com website. Men with a family history of the cancer also have a much higher chance of getting it themselves. There is no known way of decreasing your risk of getting prostate cancer, although a diet including a lot of animal fats may increase the chance of getting it.

Penis Cancer: How to Spot the Symptoms

The word 'cancer' is frightening to anyone. There are very few people who haven't been touched by cancer in one way or another. Many men worry about developing cancer, and the thought of penis cancer is especially terrifying. Often a man will practice his everyday penis care and find a new bump, lesion or area of redness - and that's all it takes to send him into a spiral of worry. The good news is that every penis bump is not cancer; in fact, penis cancer is quite rare. Any strange finding on the penis usually means something benign that will go away soon, or at the worst, it's something that needs to be checked out by the doctor and treated with certain medications. Yet even with the knowledge that penis cancer is incredibly rare, men still worry about it quite a bit. Symptoms of penis cancer One of the reasons so many men are scared of penis cancer is that the symptoms can mimic many other issues.

Penis bumps, irritation, swelling, redness and similar issues are often the first sign of penis cancer. Penis pain might also be a sign, especially if it is a dull ache that doesn't go away after rest from masturbation or other activities. However, the good news is that most of those issues will vanish within a day or so, or a man's doctor can give him a very straightforward and easy explanation for what's going on. A man with any of these symptoms should always get checked out, not just for peace of mind, but for prompt treatment of whatever might be causing the symptoms. There are a few risk factors that might increase the chances of a man developing penis cancer. These include: 1. Smoking 2. Having an uncircumcised penis 3. Poor personal hygiene 4. Previous issues with phimosis 5. An HPV infection 6. A family history of cancer, especially cancer of the penis.

Diagnosis and treatment In the very rare event that the doctor suspects something more serious than a benign redness or another issue, a tissue sample will be taken. This biopsy will help the doctor determine if there are any malignant cells growing in the penis tissue. Depending upon what the biopsy says, the next steps might include surgery, radiation, chemotherapy and other methods of eradicating the malignant cells. Treatment is very individualized, so a man who has to deal with penis cancer will need to speak with his physician to get an accurate picture of what to expect. Prevention It is impossible to guarantee prevention of cancer, but there are a few things a man can do to reduce his risk. Always practicing good personal hygiene, stopping smoking, eating healthy foods and drinking plenty of water are a few things that can help with overall health.

Using barrier protection during sexual encounters with a new partner can also provide peace of mind against HPV, while cutting of the foreskin might be an option for those with a family history of penis cancer. On a day-to-day basis, a man should inspect his penis regularly and use a powerful penis health cr�me (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). A good cr�me will contain nutrients and vitamins designed to help protect and improve penis skin. Look for a cr�me with vitamin B5, which helps maintain healthy tissue, and alpha-lipoic acid, which helps combat free radicals that can cause cellular damage. Other vitamins, such as vitamin C, D and E, can also help keep the skin healthy. All this in a Shea butter base ensures the best topical application and thorough hydration for the healthiest penis skin.

What Every Man Needs to Know About Penis Cancer

Everyone knows the joke: Tell Doctor Google about a variety of symptoms and the answer will always be 'cancer.' That's part of the reason so many men wonder if any penis problem might actually be an early sign of penis cancer. But it's important to remember that good penis care is not just about taking care of physical needs, but emotional and mental ones as well. Understanding the signs of penis cancer can help ease a guy's mind when things are benign - but can also provide them with the incentive they need to get to the doctor fast if things don't look right. Knowing the signs of penis cancer It's important to remember that penis cancer is not the same as prostate cancer, though they do occur in the same general vicinity.

Prostate cancer involves cancerous cells in the prostate. This requires very different treatment than cancer that occurs in penile tissue. The focus for this article is on penis cancer, so the signs of prostate cancer are not listed here. A man might be suffering from penis cancer is he is dealing with any of the following symptoms: 1. Penis bumps or lumps, which will usually be large and painful 2. Redness or irritation of the penis that will not go away, no matter how good a man's penis care regimen might be 3. Sores on the penis that have no clear cause and tend to have trouble healing 4. Bleeding from those sores on the penis 5. Strange discharge, either from the urethra or from the sores Eagle-eyed guys will notice that several of these symptoms are also signs of some sexually transmitted diseases. The only way to know for sure what is going on with the penis is to visit a doctor and undergo testing for sexually transmitted diseases to rule those out.

If there is no STD present, a man might be dealing with something more serious, including penis cancer. Risk factors for penis cancer Though cancer can strike anyone, there are some lifestyle choices and medical issues that can make a man more likely to wind up with penis cancer. These include the following: 1. Age - the older a man gets, the more likely he is to develop cancer. Those who are over the age of 60 are at greatest risk. 2. Some STDs - those who have contracted HPV are at higher risk 3. Uncircumcised - men who are intact are at higher risk, as are men who deal with a foreskin that is unable to retract properly 4. Smoking - those who use tobacco products are at greater risk for almost every health problem, including cancers 5. Personal hygiene - a man who doesn't have the best hygiene is putting himself at greater risk of eventually developing. 6. Intimate life choices - a man who has several sexual partners is more likely to develop cancer than a guy who is more discerning. 7. Certain medical conditions - men who are dealing with various medical conditions, such as autoimmune issues, or those who have undergone certain treatments, might be at higher risk for developing. What to do if penis cancer is a concern If a man thinks he might be dealing with penis cancer, it's time to visit the doctor.

A physician can take a look at the problem, test for a variety of sexually transmitted diseases, rule out other medical conditions, and eventually get to the root of the problem. Visiting the doctor on a regular basis can also provide important peace of mind for a guy who worries about what might be going on with his equipment.

Cancer and 3D Prostate Cancer Treatment

Cancer menace has pushed the world health and research institutions to task on how to combat it and eradicate its growing prevalence across the globe. In 2015 cancer was the leading cause of death leading to over 8 million deaths worldwide. With prostate cancer occupying the third position in all cancer-related deaths in men. What is Cancer and what is prostate cancer? Cancer is a condition that is manifested through unregulated cell growth and these abnormally growing cells known as malignant tumors invade and attack other surrounding organs and tissues. This disease can affect any part of the body. Therefore, prostate cancer is whereby the cells of the prostate gland are triggered by adenocarcinoma to cause a benign form of neoplastic known as prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia. Advancement of this asymptotic stages leads to metastasis and thus a full-blown prostate cancer. Treatment of Prostate Cancer.

Successful recovery from the diseases can only be guaranteed by an early diagnosis that is, arresting it at the benign stage; however, various treatment procedures have been developed to curb the vice. Among the methods, we have the prostatectomy, radiotherapy, brachytherapy, and chemotherapy. The latest of these is the 3D prostate cancer clinic. Understanding 3D prostate cancer Treatment The 3D treatment is one of the non-evasive cancer treatments of the 21 century that was discovered by Dr. Song, and it targets to completely wipe out the cause of the condition, as opposed to the other procedures that are susceptible to recurrence of the disease. The first step is to identification and marking of the prostate tumor cells by the help of a Trans-Rectal Ultrasound and DRE, pinpointing the actual position of the damaged cells.

The next step is the administration of a robust anticancer drug with the help of 3D techniques of injection destroying and killing all the cancer cells. With this, the third stage is employed to help eradicate the accumulated necrotic and toxic cells, by use of medicines that unblock and facilitate the discharge process. After the treatment, the recuperation process is aided by the use of herbal drugs that promote the general well-being of the patient as well as improving his immunity that will ensure that the condition does not reoccur. All these are offered at this clinics and the aftercare management tips are also availed to the caregivers and the patient themselves. Conclusion The best way to curb the cancer menace and especially prostate cancer is by early diagnosis, and since it's more in older men, regular checkups are advised for any male above the age of 40 years.

The Best Cancer Therapy

The most common type of cancer in men is the prostate cancer, and even if it is one of the most dreaded conditions, once diagnosed at its early stages, it is curable. In WHO cancer statistics, new cases of this disease continue being reported, and they predict an uptrend of these cases in the years to come. The most excellent proposed way out of this enigma is regular checkups that would help in early diagnosis hence early treatment to cure the condition. Symptoms of Prostate Cancer The early signs of this condition are asymptomatic; this is to mean that there are no known signs until the disease has advanced. However, the following are some of the symptoms that result from the manifestation of prostate cancer at its various stages. � Regular need to urinate � inability to get and keep an erection, � hematuria, � Difficulty in urinating. At advanced stage, the following are the signs, � Pain in the nearby skeletal bones such the pelvic bone, the spine, and femur � Risk of fracture to these bones �

Problem with defecation Treatment of Prostate Cancer The treatment procedure of all type of cancer follows a laid out protocol and involves a series of treatments. Among them are the chemotherapy and radiotherapy which can also be used to treat prostate cancer. However, the most efficient and most recent treatment method is the 3D cancer treatment. What are some of the approaches that are making the 3D prostate cancer treatment the best? � The first approach that sets the procedure apart from the rest is that it first relies on the determination of the real causative pathogens. By these, it makes it easy for targeted treatment and avoids damaging other healthy cells which are a standard issue in radiotherapy. This form of isolation and determination improves the specificity of the procedure to eradicate the condition altogether. �

After the above step, the second unique protocol; is the destruction of the causative cells by direct injection of an anticancer drug that completely wipes out these cancerous cells. This form of treatment has many advantages than any other in that it guarantees that the condition does not reoccur at any given time. � The last approach is usually the cleanup stage where the cellular debris and the necrotic cells are channeled out of the body in a secure manner and in a way that cleans up the system entirely. Conclusion Anyone intending to look for the best prostate cancer treatment need not look any further because 3D targeted cancer treatment is here for them.

Prostate Cancer Options And Hormone Treatment

Depending on how advanced prostate cancer is, there are varying options for treatment. If caught early, prostate cancer can often be treated...